Jun 26Liked by Alison McGaughey

Be 47. Don't look back to other times. Don't spend time in the future. Be aware and conscious of today. Start a meditation practice. Smile at someone. Help out if you can. Read a good book.

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All excellent advice— especially the part about getting BACK to my once-solid meditation practice. Every line of this is great, thank you!! And thanks for reading and commenting.

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Happy Birthday! I'm 73, so there's that. Since you asked, my biggest piece of advice and personal stretch for you, perhaps, is to trust yourself.

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Thank you, Julie! And you’re right, it can be a struggle for me! Good goal to work on. ☺️

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I’m 54 (if I did the math right? Born in 1969). I haven’t paid attention to age in a long time. To me, it’s not what’s important. In my mind I’m probably still 18 or at least early 20s hahahaha! I let go of thinking about what others thought about me (or my appearance) an equally long time ago (ok maybe for just the past 4-5 years). Once I discovered that I was content and happy being single, it was easy to let those things go. You don’t need a partner to be content or happy. It goes against the grain of society and culture for sure (especially for our generation), but, as cliche as it sounds - I never felt more alone than when I was married.

If you haven’t, you should totally read Lyz Lenz. Her newest book is incredible!

This American Ex-Wife: How I Ended My Marriage and Started My Life

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Love everything in this comment sooooo much!! First of all, that you actually had to do the math. Love the idea of just stopping counting! Also glad to know I’m not the only one who feels way younger than their actual age. I do feel the one great positive trade off of aging has been caring less about what others think of me. Hope that grows and grows til I give zero f’s 😆.

And, you’re right, it might sound cliche but it can feel so horrible as you described. (Have I mentioned I’m divorced…?) It does indeed go against the grain! But hopefully as I age, I’ll also get less and less bothered by being single. And finally, I love Lyz’s Substack and definitely need to read the book!

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Jun 26Liked by Alison McGaughey

At 73, I am finally relaxing into my quiet, introverted self. After pushing so hard to be what I needed to be to get through my life, finally I can rest. People don’t really care how much I weigh nor wear. What an insight! I learned I don’t “owe” pretty to the world. I owe my truth, and it ain’t always pretty! 😉 Be unashamedly you, my friend, it is enough. ❤️

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Love this, Kathy!!! You’re right, you so don’t owe it; none of us do!! Having said that, you are beautiful inside and out!

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Age is just a number. However, the larger the number the wiser you will be. :)

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Jun 29Liked by Alison McGaughey

I look at birthdays the same way I look at New Years, it's just another day. Are you any different from you were yesterday? I'll admit #50 freaked me out, but since then I've learned that 1. I've been good at saving for retirement (essential), 2. I need to stay in shape (gotta work on that), 3. Cut out the caffeine and sugar! Oh, and most of all - CHILL. Enjoy nature, learn to calm your mind. Hope that helps!

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All great advice, and all of which I’m struggling with! 😬 I guess except the caffeine, I did cut that way back. I just got to enjoy 2 days of nature!! Felt wonderful. Thanks for reading and participating!

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